Sirene Chocolate Liqueur / Complex
Knight Shift
A clarified chocolate and whisky punch with notes of vanilla, coffee, chocolate, and citrus.

Sirene Chocolate Liqueur / Medium
Bitter Mornings
A boozy and decadent hot coffee cocktail.

Coffee Liqueur / Complex
Winston’s Wednesday Morning
Coffee meets bittersweet Campari, sparkling wine, and strawberries.

Coffee Liqueur / Medium
Kiss Land
Coffee liqueur meets red fruit, citrus, and sparkling water.

Fresh Lemon Liqueur / Complex
Salad Days
A complex, herbaceous, and vegetal gin sour.

Fresh Lemon Liqueur / Medium
Fresh Lemon Liqueur Affogato
A dessert cocktail featuring coffee, lemon gin, and ice cream.

Fresh Lemon Liqueur / Simple
Coconut Lemon Smash
A very refreshing, low-ABV cocktail with tropical notes.

Fresh Rhubarb Liqueur / Complex
Blush Spritz
An aperitivo-style cocktail with aromatic brandy, creamy tart raspberry, Fresh Rhubarb Liqueur, and sparkling wine.

Fresh Rhubarb Liqueur / Medium
Brunch Buddy
A bittersweet low ABV brunch cocktail with notes of red fruit and citrus.